Monday, February 27, 2012

The best revenge is massive success.

- Frank Sinatra

To me, it's a waste of time trying to tear down and destroy your opponents or enemies, because that does nothing to build you up. For my effort, I'd rather work on myself and be the best Me I can be. What do you think? Is it better to try and bring someone else down, or build yourself up?
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  1. Besides satiating any emotional need for revenge, I can't think of any logical reason that would be counter to Sinatra's argument. The only argument I can think of would be that in destroying any known or perceived enemy, you would be successfully eliminating any conflicts you would have potentially had.

    However, we never found any weapons of mass destruction now did we? So I can't exactly say that's a good argument.

  2. I think the real key here is having a positive definition of Success.

  3. I agree with Frank Sinatra, because when someone doesn't like you, makes you feel bad, and tries to destroy you, YOU can get revenge on him by beeing successfull. And when he see you on the top, of whatever, HE will be the one with bad feeling. Because THAN he will realize that he hadn't destroy you. So, WHAT is better revenge than that?

    1. Exactly. Self improvement that shows is ultimately the best way to stick it to someone that can't stand you.

  4. The greatest not revenge i think the right term is attitude in my point of view is able to forgive those who hurt you & despite hardships/pain in life caused by others you are able to move on with a positive outlook if life & w/ a heart free from hatred and having to be successful w/ the right intentions .^_^. <3 ~cmjmw~ <3

    1. Perhaps Sinatra could have used a different word other than revenge, but I think you capture the true underlying sentiment. Moving on and concentrating on self-improvement is most beneficial to yourself, which is really what people should focus on.

      Thanks for reading!

    2. I tried the forgive and turn the other cheek approach for 18 years. It nearly drove me insane! It some neighborhoods it doesn't work. Been using Frank's approach ever since. Frank is 100% right. Revenge is a great motivator towards positive change. Once you've proven yourself you'll find peace in realizing the opinions of idiots don't matter.

  5. From there you can change and inspire many esp. those who belittled you .^_^. ~cmjmw~

    1. It would be a great thing if your own personal success could inspire someone that once belittled and tried to hurt you. That would be a good thing. Kind of like saying your hard work inspired even those who used to work against you.

      Thanks for reading.

  6. Yes, success is the best revenge. But I feel like I should see my enemies go thru the same pain I went thru.

    There really are people who dont feel much pain because they are easy go types in life. Thats nice for them but not for me because I want to see them in pain for real, the way I was burnt down.

    But yes success does take care of the most part of a revenge.

    1. Well there may be a certain amount of satisfaction someone might get from seeing their enemies suffer, if that person doesn't learn a lesson from that suffering, what other good does it serve?

  7. I am gone do both things side by side
    1) Walking to achieve Success position so I can have power to take revenge
    2) In revenge I am gone do exact same things to them what they have done to me

    1. It's your choice but if you do that you are allowing them to control your actions which may jeopardize your own success. I prefer to view them as insignificant like a fly on my windshield. Build financial, emotional and physical strength. They will see your confidence a mile away and know how insignificant they are. I was lucky enough to run into the biggest bully from my past a few years back. He called me by name and tried to shake my hand. I looked down at the train-wreck he had become. He was a frail junky and I was a big power lifter. I could have squashed him like a bug with minimal effort. Instead I just looked at him in disgust, said nothing and just walked right by. This was in a Laundrymat so he had a good long time to realize how insignificant he was to me. It was quite satisfying to see him scared of me. The moral of this story is: Focus on becoming a winner and let the losers self destruct.

  8. Wonderful quote..Hate begets hate! Thinking positively with affirmation leads to success..revenge and hatred will only jeopardize the situation.


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