Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

In your life, you will be confronted with a myriad of choices and decisions.  I doubt it’s possible to accurately equate just how many choices you will make in your lifetime, but I think it’s safe to say out of the ones you’ve already made you’ve probably made some pretty big mistakes.  I’m not talking about the minor, insignificant ones.  You know, “Oh, I took a wrong turn and now we have to sit in traffic” or “Oops, I burned the toast.”  I’m talking about the whoppers.  The huge ones that change the course of your life and make you re-evaluate everything, or almost everything. 

You must understand, though, mistakes may feel like the end of the world, but they are not.  Granted some people make massive mistakes that take years to recover from.  Other people seem to never learn from their mistakes and are doomed to repeat them, over and over and over.  Sometimes, those nagging, backbreaking, sorrowful mistakes make you question your value and worth.  Sometimes those mistakes make you feel defeated and lost.  Even worse, sometimes your mistakes affect more than yourself.  Other people are hurt, or made to suffer.  It’s a terrible thing to have to live with knowing you cause someone’s death, or injury, or loss.  But it’s not the end of the world.  Want to know how I know?

Learning from our mistakes makes us better people.  If you take the time to actually sit down, examine the whole situation and figure out what went wrong, where and when, you can find a lesson to take you through the sorrow and pain of that mistake.  Beware though!  If you chose to ignore the mistake or actively deny it, the crisis or chaos that came with it the first time will happen again.  Don’t let that happen.  I’ve made some really big whoppers of mistakes, but I’ve honestly tried to learn from them.  For the most part I’ve been successful at learning from them.  You can too, you just have to be willing to Learn!  

PS: The title of this post is a quote from James Joyce.  I thought it was pretty apt.  Check out some of his books at amazon

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