Thursday, February 16, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

It’s funny how some clichés still have the power to make you think.  Life as we know it has twists and turns that effect the course of our journey.  We all know this, but sometimes, the unexpected hits us when we least expect it.  Now I know that sounds ridiculous, you might be asking yourself, ‘how can we expect something when we are least likely to see it coming?’  Well, that’s a great question and if I had the answer to that I’d probably be a billionaire.  What I do know is how you adapt and overcome those unexpected happenings is really what makes the difference.  Our US Marines use that mantra often; Adapt and Overcome.  I would say that the more you experience, the more you can apply those lessons to new and possibly unexpected scenarios. 

Today I woke up in pain.  Don’t ask me how I did it, but I must have pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in my neck.  It hurt like hell, actually it still bothers me and it’s been about three hours now.  Anyway, I wasn’t really expecting to deal with an injury today.  Hey, I’ve got work, personal responsibilities, chores, etc to deal with, I don’t have time to worry about being hurt.  But guess what?  I don’t have the choice Not to.  Such is life I guess.  Now it’s obvious if I was in excruciating pain I’d go to the doctor.  This minor pain should go away soon, but it was unexpected and I do have to deal with it. 

If you have a life that seems to throw things at you all the time, and those challenges just knock you off your feet, maybe you should take a second out, re-evaluate how you prepare for the daily challenge of living and change your Modus Operandi (that’s Latin for mode of operation).  For me, I think it’s better to be proactive about life instead of reactive.  The more you prepare and learn, the less likely you’ll get blindsided.  You’ll still get surprised from time to time, but that’s to be expected, right?

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