Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Take Time to Play

There is always work to be done.  It doesn’t go away and barring any of us winning the lottery, we’ll probably only live a life of pampered luxury in our dreams.  But you know what, that’s okay.  Real honest work can give us a sense of purpose, fulfillment and self-respect that is extremely important to our self-worth and self-esteem.  Sometimes, however, work, whether it be a 9-5er, the struggle against a disability, trying to cope with loss, dealing with someone with a mental disability, or your own, and life in general, you just have to let go and have fun. 
Play is just as important as work.  Not just relaxing and putting aside work for a moment, but actual, real Play.  Now playing for enjoyment can mean different things to different people and that’s fine.  Getting something positive out of the endeavor is the real value here.  If you like sports, play one.  If you like puzzles, put one together, if you like board games, go for it.  Even trying something new can be a great way to find a release through Play.  I never realized how fun surfing was until I actually tried it.  I never realized how bad I am at basketball until I tried shooting a few hoops.  There is a whole list of things I’ve tried and liked, and tried and didn’t.  Now I have a whole list of Playtime activities I can try to escape from the chains of work. 
Play for the simple joy of it.  Let it help clear your mind of all your worries, fears, and troubles.  Remember, the work will always be there, so take the time to have some fun and play! 

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