Thursday, August 20, 2020

What Direction to Go?

By Doug Clark
Head Writer - The Inspiration Engine

Do you know where you are going in life? It’s a simple question, but often it is a loaded one. At this particular moment in time, it’s hard to say where we are going as a country and a society. There are so many troubling issues and topics that we face, it’s hard to know what the future might bring. Some solace may come from knowing where you, the individual, are going?


Direction in life is what I’m talking about. Not just what job you want, or where you would like to live, but what do all those activities in your daily routine actually lead to something? To know what direction you are headed in, you need to know what your purpose is in life. Finding purpose can and is often a challenging and eye-opening evolution. If you are unsure, start with a simple test like the one provided by Psychology Today here


It may seem trite, asking yourself questions like this, especially if you have devoted a large amount of time to some endeavor already. But if you find yourself unsure, maybe doubting your life’s path so far, or really need a jolt, Do Something Different! There’s always time left to try.


Thanks for reading.

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