Thursday, October 17, 2013

The 15 Minute Daydream

By Douglas Clark

Okay, so finding 10-15 minutes out of my day to just daydream turned out to be a little harder than I thought. But then I realized, I go for a 2 mile run at least twice a week, so I’d do it then. Usually, I listen to my ipod while I run and just zone out. Most of the time I don’t really even pay attention to anything; it makes the run go by faster. This time however, I paid attention to my mind’s wandering. So, in no particular order here are the top five things I found myself being drawn to:

          1. Character development and further plot twists for a  novel I’m about to start
          2. Oddly enough, bagels
          3. Sex (yup, I’m a guy)
          4. The condos being constructed near my apartment (I want one)
          5. Possibly running a marathon, or a half marathon, or just starting with a 5k.

If there were others I didn’t pay enough attention to them for them to register in my memory. What’s funny is that when I started out, I thought allowing myself to daydream would bring me to a fantasy land of magical or sci fi type wonders. Turns out, my mind is currently entrenched in more realistic things. Now that’s not to say if I took more time my thoughts might become more outlandish. Who knows? I’m pretty sure that because I’m older now and required to carry more responsibilities, it weighs me down just a bit when it comes to letting my mind release from all of those things I need to control. Kids seem to possess an infinite reservoir of imagination and creative thinking, mostly because they aren’t encumbered by the pragmatic, somewhat cynical, and harsh realities of life.

I’ve always strived to hold on to that youthful wonder. I think far too often, people let go of dreams and desires and replace them with chores and menial tasks and call it being responsible. I actually think that is kind of depressing. Don’t you? Well, that’s why I let myself daydream. The kid in me has more to say, and I need to listen to him every once in a while. What do you think?

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Questions and Comments are welcome.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Let Your Mind Wander

Douglas Clark
-Head writer, The Inspiration Engine

Do you daydream? How about just letting your mind wander to where ever it may go? I’ve often heard the old saying “you’re either a dreamer or a doer.” However, that seems rather restrictive doesn’t it? Daydreaming lets your brain explore possibilities that we all know pragmatism and reality would squash in a second. I find that some of my best ideas come to me when I just let go of all the mental baggage, all the stresses, all my cares and responsibilities and just simply think.

Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But it’s not. So I’m going to pose a simple challenge. In the next few days, find time to carve out about 10 minutes of free, daydreaming time to just let your mind wander. Take note of what comes to mind, write them down even, and see what inspiration you can come up with. I’d say take about five minutes before hand to really relax and unwind first, just to make sure you’re still not pestering yourself about doing the dishes or folding the laundry.

I’ll post up a list of the things my wandering mind comes up with. I hope you try it. Good luck.

Thanks for reading.
Questions and Comments are welcome

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What Shapes Your Desire?

Douglas Clark
-Head writer, The Inspiration Engine

“If you greatly desire something, have the guts to stake everything on obtaining it.”
-Brendan Francis

What is want? I’m not talking about the basic wants humans all need, like water, food, shelter, and companionship. I’m asking about the want for something not needed, but truly desired. Desire can be a funny thing. It can give you direction by helping you to discard the superfluous, keep you focused, determined and motivated. But desire can also hinder your life by making you close minded to new things, ridged in your attitude and perspective, and in the worst cases, lead to obsession. Once desire becomes an obsession, there’s a whole new world of problems to deal with.

There are things I have wanted for a long time. I’ve desired them. Specifically, being a published author for one, finding true love (as cliché as it sounds), a life of leisure, and a youthfulness throughout my days. Now I’d say on a certain level, all of those things are possible, at least to one degree or another. But why do I want them? Why are my wants and desires in line with some people and wildly out of synch with others? Our life experiences and relationships help mold and create an ideal that helps to drive our life’s activities. 

I’ve often wondered about when I was 10, if we didn’t move from New Jersey to Pennsylvania, how different my life would be. It was a profound life event for me, obviously at 10 years old something like that would affect just about anyone. But how much of that contributed to who I am now? I can tell you that for the first two years after we moved, I became reclusive, much more introspective and hid inside my own imagination. I found solace in Science Fiction and Fantasy. TV, movies and stories dealing with space, time travel, other worlds, dimensions, and the like spoke to me in a way sports, hobbies, or other things could not. Eventually the want to create those things on my own took hold and there you have it. This was the nucleus of my desire to begin writing. My life altering event of moving helped spur my creative life as a dreamer and writer.

So where do you go after you’ve identified where and why you have a want? I would say judging just how powerful that want is must happen. If you truly want something, I would say a feeling of almost uncontrollable action should take place. Not so much that you are possessed, but that you feel the value of committing to that want. When you know the superfluous and extraneous minutiae of life can be done away with and you still feel fulfilled driving toward you desire, that is when that want becomes a passion. And there’s nothing wrong with passion, as long as it’s tempered with reason, otherwise you fall into the trap of obsession.  

Do you know what your wants are? Are you controlled by them? Even worse, are you so beaten down that you’ve forgotten what it is you truly want? I believe self-examination is important from time to time to make sure I am not wasting my life away. There have been times when I came to the realization that I Was completely off course. What a wonderful yet sobering feeling. Remember, as long as you are alive, there’s still time to change course. Give it a try.

Thanks for reading.
Questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Space, Voyager's Frontier

By Douglas Clark

Unless you’ve been hiding under an asteroid lately, you probably read or heard that Voyager 1, the venerable space probe sent out by NASA in 1977, has ‘officially’ left the solar system. Now let me start off by saying I’m a space nut. I love Astronomy, mapping the stars, learning about the Universe and every strange and amazing thing in it. As a kid I watched TV shows like Star Trek, Buck Rodgers, Battlestar Galactica, and Lost in Space reruns enjoying every minute of it. Also, secretly wishing everything in those shows could happen or were possible. As I got older, I realized watching those shows expanded my imagination and creative horizons. They taught me that just because something isn’t possible today, doesn’t mean it can’t come true in the future. I always look to the future with a strong sense of wonder and hope. To me, the future represents a time where things are better, problems are solved, and knowledge is gained, accomplishments earned, and there’s some pretty kick ass Sci-Fi technology to scoot us around the cosmos.

Okay, so let’s get back to Voyager. It’s a space probe about the size of a small car and it’s all alone in the vastness of outer space, just on the edge of what we might call our neighborhood. From NASA’s most recent report, it’s about 11 billion miles away. A stone’s throw in galactic terms, but to us humans that’s more distance than any other manmade object has ever traveled. Now Voyager 2 is only a few billion miles behind, but still. The thought of that little craft, a fragile mechanical messenger, flying through space to a fate unknown is mesmerizing. Think of it. I’ve imagined hitching a ride on that craft and experiencing a bit of its journey. Putting aside for a moment the logistics of actually floating along with the thing, just to experience for a brief second the wonders that craft will endure is truly breathtaking.

The Earth is our home and yet, nature finds a way to erase evidence of our existence. Though we may try to fight it off, erosion is inevitable. But, in the distant future, thousands of years after our civilization has morphed and changed into something wholly unrecognizable, or vanished completely from this world, Voyager will still be journeying out among the stars. Barring any strange or freak occurrence like a collision with some rogue asteroid or something, it will persist. Our legacy to the universe, our infinitesimally small yet distinct contribution proving that we existed will continue on to points unknown. If that’s not enough to inspire a bit of awe and wonder in your mind, you might want to check your pulse. For me, it’s fascinating without end, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thanks for reading.
 Questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Let's Watch Some TV!

By Douglas Clark

So, being a TV fanatic as I am, I'm always looking for the next great television show. Personally, Sci Fi is my favorite (and we're completely lacking in that regard right now), but I also have an interest in stories that focus on power, or lack of power, man's struggle against society, or vice versa. Lo and behold, I've found a couple. 

At the risk of sounding like a billboard, I'll give each show a plug. Not because I'm getting a kickback or anything, but because I think they are great shows. For me, each instills a sort of amazement. 

The first show is House of Cards. You might have heard of it. It's one of Netflix's first original productions, and I'd say they've created a masterpiece. It's based on a British original focusing on English politics, only restructured to fit the American political system. Besides the great casting, settings, writing, pacing, story lines, amazing and despicable characters, and intrigue, the introduction is amazing. 

The following clip is of the theme music only (you'll have to join Netfix to actually see the visuals that accompany it). But for me, this music alone sets the mood and tone for the show. It seems foreboding, haunting, and just a bit ominous, which is probably what the producers where going for. And I'd say they hit their mark.   

The second show on my list is Breaking Bad. Now I know this show is almost at the end of it's run, but that's all the more reason to bring it up. If you're interested in stories where a good guy falls from grace and allows the world to corrupt him, this is your story. I think it speaks to how easy it is to allow negativity and deceit to overpower you in times of crisis and need. For the main character, Walter White, life as he's lived it just becomes too much to bear, and he simple stops caring. The entire series follows his dissent into darkness. And it's an incredible ride. 

For me, only a few individual episodes stand out, but it's more the story as a whole that really makes an impact. What's cool about that is, you can sit and watch three or four episodes in a row (if you have the time) and really absorb what's going on. Now that it's on Netflix and DVD you don't have to endure the week long wait in between episodes. The opening is short and sweet, but it is distinct and engaging. 

Each of these shows has made an impact on me. I love story telling and any time I get to see a new perspective driving a story line, I'm interested. Most of the time with television, I think to myself, I could write a better episode. But with these two shows, I find myself thinking, I don't think I could do it better. Now that's awesome because it makes me feel challenged. And when that happens I get back to writing and push myself even harder. It also reminds me that others have followed their dream of writing and made it a success, so there's hope for me yet. I'm reminded of the times where I did nothing but daydream about writing, instead of actually putting pen to paper. All that combined focuses my energy to get something done.  

If you can find motivation and inspiration from things that challenge you, I think it provides a special sort of incentive to excel. What do you think? 

Thanks for reading.

Questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Change Is Unavoidable

By Douglas Clark

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.

September! Now is the time when summer begins to wane and give way to the turning leaves of autumn. The warm and glowing sun relinquishes its hold on the day and ebbs toward early evenings and cool breezes. Begrudgingly, children marshal their courage and corral their exuberance and ready themselves for school. We all know it, some dread it. The fall is coming, it’s back to school and we all feel the pangs of change and transition.

How we deal with change can really direct our lives, toward the positive, or the negative. I have been told on many occasions that I can be somewhat negative. I would argue that I’m more of a realist than pessimist. I mean, statistics and averages exist for a reason. I don’t really see how it’s being negative to point out what usually happens in a given situation. Ah but see there’s the rub. Perhaps it’s not just being aware of the norms or averages, but being more aware of the positive ‘what ifs’. Now I know to some that might just be pie in the sky mentality. They might say being overly optimistic is just setting yourself up for failure… but is it?

Think about this: those great men and women of history, the ones that accomplished great things over great odds, do you think they concentrated more on averages, statistics, and probable outcomes? Or did they keep their mind’s eye on the solitary (and improbable) ‘what if’ goal they truly wanted to achieve? I’d say they followed the pie in the sky mentality. Doing the exact same thing everyday only gets you the exact same thing you’ve always gotten. For me, after a while the same old same old becomes like an anchor. It just drags and weighs me down. The thought of change came to me just a few days ago when my daughter went back to school. She started 5th grade and elementary school is almost over. I know for a child the transition isn’t fully realized yet, but as an adult looking back, I understand it. Seeing that change come for her forced me to examine where I’m going and how I want my life to change. But you see, for the most part, I’m doing the same old same old and as you’d expect, I’m getting the same result. Crazy right?!

Sometimes change is subtle, sometimes it’s blunt and brutal. I’d say for the change we can control, directing it in the manner we chose is imperative. I’m working on becoming a published author, but am I making the changes necessary to achieve that goal? Yes and No. I need to focus more, daydream less, stay motivated, and be more persistent. These are the changes I need and have to make to achieve my goals. So now I just have to do it. What about you? Are you focused enough to know what needs to be done? Or are you languishing in myopic malaise? If you are, make a change! Even a small one might knock the cob webs from your mind and let some sunshine it. But hurry, autumn is upon us, and winter will soon be here. The sun will set ever earlier and you’ll have to do your thinking in the dark.

Thanks for reading.
Questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Insert Idiom Here!

Have you ever barked up the wrong tree only to add insult to injury? Perhaps you bit off more than you could chew and flew by the seat of your pants just to call it a day when the shit hit the fan. Have you ever busted someone’s chops when they spilled the beans about some secret? Of course, you might just hit the road when someone you cared about through thick and thin dropped a dime on you and you got all bent out of shape for having an Achilles’ heel.  

Does any of this make sense? Well, if you haven’t figured it out, the above paragraph is full of idioms. Idioms are a string of words that have a ‘figurative meaning’ which is separate from literal meaning. According to Wikipedia, there are over 25,000 idioms in the English language. Now, English idioms are comical, thought provoking, bizarre and down right befuddling if you don’t know the context around their meaning, but I’d bet you would find you use them much more than you realize. A few people I know remind me that I often employ idioms and clichés far too often for their liking, instead of being direct and specific. I wonder where that comes from. To be honest though, there’s something whimsically fun in saying “don’t beat around the bush” rather than just tell me; I’m all ears, rather than I’m listening, or “Don’t have a cow” instead of please don’t over react. Idioms and clichés command power and have longevity because they either have a kernel of truth to them or touch on an emotional, social, or psychological level that resonates beyond their first utterance.

It doesn’t matter if you’re fit as a fiddle or sick as a dog. Sometimes you just have to bit the bullet and hit the road at the drop of a hat before you wind up pushing up daisies if you want to get something done. Through thick and thin, idioms have been with us, evolving, growing and persevering through social, economic, and cultural changes. Now I’d say they’ll be here alive and well long after all of us have kicked the bucket. To me that just takes the cake. Why? Well I love language, I love the intricate and dynamic nature of its usage, the flowing subtle or abrupt nuance each word brings to a sentence and the strange and interesting ways words originated. Quick story: one of the most memorable classes from college for me was one I didn’t take. Strange, right? Well, for two years I tried to get into this one English class called ‘the origin of words, idioms and phrases’ and for two years I couldn’t do it. The class was always full. Doesn’t that just burn your ass? I always figured everyone wanting to get into that class thought as I did. It must be pretty damned cool.

Honestly, I’m not pulling your leg, I’m on the straight and narrow here. You might say idioms are a dime a dozen, but sometimes, using them is right as rain. Think about it. A language without colorful metaphors and whimsical idioms and clichés would be such a drag. I’d rather live it up enjoying the vibrancy of our language. It’s better than being high and dry up shit’s creek without a paddle. I think one of the best things about idioms and the evolution of our language is it does not stop. Ever wonder why catch phrases from celebrities and TV show characters are so prevalent? It’s because they capture the essence and meaning of the day’s important or relevant feelings. Idioms have meaning because they sum up a lot of what we are feeling in a neat little package. Just make sure you don’t get bogged down in the muck. Sometimes putting things in your own words is a much better course of action.

If I’m driving you up a wall don’t jump down my throat, I’m almost finished. The thing about idioms is, if you really think about what they are saying, where they came from and how they are used, you can get a better understanding as to why they are used, why they have staying power and just how comical they can be. Just don’t overdo it. You might make someone as mad as a hatter. 

Bonus points if you can identify all of the idioms in this post!

Thanks for reading.

Questions and comments are welcome. 

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