Monday, March 19, 2012

Songs of Emotion

Last time I did Songs of Inspiration.  This week I want to do a couple of songs that illicite emotion.  I think periods of strong and intense emotion can be inspiring if you direct that energy toward something positive.

The first song is Into the west, by Anne Lennox.  This song was featured in The Lord of The Rings, The Return of the King. (All rights reserved to the orginal artists)

Also, as you may know, Whitney Houston recently passed away.  The song, I will Always Love You, was originally recorded by Dolly Parton, but for my money, Whitney's version is the best.

Hope you find inspiration in these selections!

Also, here's a picture of a Lilly Pond at Balboa Park, San Diego.  I took this about four years ago, but it's still one of my favorites.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scenes from Balboa Park, San Diego

One of the wonderful things about living in San Diego is being able to spend time at Balboa Park.  There are so many things to see and do, you could spend days being entertained and still not see the whole thing.  I've lived in San Diego for over seven years and I still haven't seen all of the amazing things the park has to offer.  As part of my mission in life to explore new areas and gain new experiences, I think I'll redouble my efforts to see every site in Balboa Park.

I have been trying to learn photography.  In that effort I've taken lots of pictures.  The last time I was at the park, I took several.  So here are a few that I think turned out pretty nice.  Enjoy!

 This is the fountain right near the Natural History museum.  It's a favorite spot to visit for most.

 The yellow of this flower just popped out at me and thought it should be captured.

I was surprised I got the entire tree in frame.  It so tall you might not even realize it.  If you look at the bridge at the bottom of the picture you can just make out a few people crossing.  That will give you an idea of just how tall this tree is.

 I have no idea what this is but it looked so cool I had to snap a picture.

Another flower picture.  I really like the contrast of orange, blue and green.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures.  Remember, inspiration and creativity can be sparked by many things.  Don't be afraid to explore and imagine.  Great things can happen.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.

How would we handle it if the future came all at once?  Maybe it would be pretty cool, or not.  Traveling through time would be fun, just as long as you could get back to where you started from.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Continue to be yourself because in the end that’s what people will remember about you.

-Author Unknown

What do you do when your voice is not being heard?  In an age where so many people can express themselves over the internet it’s easy to feel like your opinion and beliefs can be drowned out by the voices of a billion others.  And that’s a fair assessment.  With so many people finding the urge and avenue for self expression it’s hard to filter out all the noise.  With so many people, just finding any one single person that believes as you do may seem impossible.  So what should we do?  Do we give up, keep quiet and not bother?  Do we go along with the flow and just accept the loudest voice as the strongest belief?  Should we just accept it?


You should shout like no one is listening.  Your opinions are yours, derived from years of experience, knowledge, dreams, and desires.  At the very least, they should mean something to you.  Expressing those opinions are an affirmation of those beliefs.  There have been plenty of times where I’ve felt completely ignored, rejected, and unwanted.  If you think about it, I’m sure most people have felt that way at least once or twice.  Heck if they haven’t I’d love to know what that feels like, but I digress.  So how do we get people to listen?  Well, you may discover that by examining your beliefs and opinions, I mean really dig deep into their meaning, that they aren’t as profound as you thought.  Maybe those beliefs and opinions need to have a few more experiences behind them to have more substance.  Reexamining your life should not be a onetime thing, it should be ongoing.

Feeling passionate about your beliefs is admirable, but it’s only part of the equation.  You have to have knowledge, experience, and wisdom to support your claims.  If you really know what you’re talking about and have facts and proof as support, you’ll have something that will reinforce your passion.  Then people will be forced to listen to your voice because it has so much profound resonance to it.  So, experience much, learn more, and speak up!

Do you think your voice would echo here?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adventure is not outside man; it is within.

George Eliot

Just like most guys my age, when I first saw Raiders of the lost ark, I wanted to be Indiana Jones.  Adventures of the mind can lead to adventures of the body.  Go for it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Explore the true art and mystery of self discovery.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” -Albert Einstein

What does mystery mean to you? The greatest challenge of life is the unknown. For some people that is a scary, if not horrifying thing. Society in general seems to fear the unknown, taking years, if not decades or centuries to truly change their outlook and demeanor about certain issues. Religion, God, the meaning of life, abortion, sexuality, tolerance, all of these things are still hotly debated and argued about. But why? It’s the mystery of the future that’s the problem.

People fear what they don’t know, can’t predict, or don’t understand. It’s logical in a way to avoid that which could potentially hurt or destroy your accepted way of life. But the mystery of the unknown drives people to excel. It’s the intrepid explorer, the bold adventurer, the brazen challenger that drives society forward. Through them great accomplishments have been made such as exploring new lands, inventing amazing machinery, curing diseases, and cultivating new understandings of the mind and universe. The want to know drove those pioneers to achieve great things.

If there is a mystery in your life, you should explore it. A journey of self discovery is the greatest journey you can take. They only person you can never get away from is yourself. Wouldn't it be better to know that person as best you can right down to the core? I'm not saying if you explore your deeper soul you’ll find some kind of transcending enlightenment (but damn that would be cool!). Taking the effort to find out what your personal mysteries mean and where they can lead will enrich your life. Trust me, try it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Songs of Inspiration

Music is one of the most motivating and inspirational ways for me to feel the creativity of life flow.  This first selection is just amazing.  Set to Rob Dugan's Clubbed to Death, the  Kurayamino Mix, ptxgarfield put together an amazing animation of the formation of the Solar System.  I can watch this one over and over...

This next selection is The Zephyr Song, by one of my favorite bands, The Red Hot Chili Peppers.  I've always loved this song, plus the video is pretty damn cool. 

Enjoy the selections.  I know I will. (just to note, all rights reserved to the original artists.  Thanks to Google and Youtube for letting me share!)

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