Douglas Clark
-Head writer, The Inspiration Engine
I’m going to be completely honest with you. I have six
months to go before I’m 40. For a long time it didn’t make any difference to
me. Most of the time, age is just a number. But the more I thought about it,
and the closer it approached, I realized 40 is more than my age. On May 15th,
it will mark the fact that so far, I’ve had 40 years to accomplish everything
I’ve ever dreamed of.
-Head writer, The Inspiration Engine
Have you ever been working on something so long you kind of
lose sight of the point of it all? It’s kind of like wondering if everything
you’ve done is really leading you somewhere or perhaps every choice you’ve ever
made is just some random ping pong like course you’re chaotically leading
through life.

Now that’s not to say I was on a deadline and not finishing
by my 40th birthday means I failed. Actually, it reminds me of all
the time I’ve wasted. You see, I like to be busy, the more I have to do, the
better I can do everything (up until I burn out that is). When I’ve got all the
time in the world and I don’t have to rush or worry, or even really care what
the clock says, I kind of just procrastinate.
Remember that old cliché, “If you
want something done, give it to a busy person.”? Well that is me, at least
where work is concerned. When it comes to my personal goals, well, I kind of
slack off. You know the feeling right?
Granted, I’ve written two novels, a host of short stories
and poems, and two plus years of blog posts. But in my head, I remember all the
times I didn’t write, all the times I didn’t capitalize on the few minutes here
and the few minutes there I could have written just a little more. Also, I
think of where I’ve been, the places I’ve visited, how far I’ve advanced (or
not advanced depending on your perspective) and sometimes I wonder if I’ve
shortchanged myself.
Even when I failed miserably, couldn’t achieve the goal I
set, got tired, etc., I usually feel like I could have done better, or if I tried
again with a different approach, I could do better. I don’t think I’m a
perfectionist, but I am persistent. Putting all this together, though, I still
wonder, where am I going?
To put it another way, the question I’m faced with is this:
How efficient have I been with my 40 years of life? Will I do better going forward?
I could have done better; I could have done worse. The
reality of it is I am where I am, simple as that. As happy or dissatisfied as I
am with my life thus far, I can’t change it. The only thing I can do is try to
make the next 40 years, or however much more I have left better, more enjoyable,
more fulfilling and fruitful.
The future has no form. It’s my job to mold my present to
help make tomorrow more to my liking.
Do you know where you’re going?
Thanks for reading.
Questions and comments welcome.