by Douglas Clark
So I’ve been thinking. Is it too much to say that Humans
have effected the Earth? Put aside the tinfoil hat, conspiracy theory nuts
jobs, the dollar-hungry political pundits, the career-minded politicians, and
the ignorant electorate for a moment and just think: Do human actions effect
the Earth?
I was reading an article recently about Global Warming and the possibility of Human Extinction. I also just received the latest
issue of National Geographic. In it was a story of rising seas and human
involvement regarding climate change. I’ve been following this topic for quite
some time. My personal belief is that Humans are altering the biosphere of this
planet without understanding the long-term effects. Hell, if you don’t believe
that pollution and global warming are happening, think about running your car
inside the garage with the door closed. It gets pretty hot in there and the air
is quite unbreatheable.
Okay, that’s a simplification of the overall process
but really, how is the Earth any different when it comes to our activities, except much larger? I’m not a
scientist, but when it comes to the climate, I know enough to listen more to
the guy that has a doctorate in climatology than to morons like Rush Limbaugh
who know next to nothing about science. But whether you believe in global
warming, climate change, Bigfoot, or gremlins, does it ever bother you that how
you live your life might just be detrimental to the next generation?
I have a daughter. She just had her 10th
birthday. It pains me to think of the deplorable conditions the Earth might be
in when she’s my age. Yes, some scientists say that by 2100 the Earth will be
uninhabitable. Now I’m not such a doomsayer, but I do believe the last century’s
worth of abuse we’ve visited upon the environment will be felt, and most
painfully I might add. I know some people just don’t care, some people are
selfish, some people are so greedy and power hungry and they’ll spite the world
for a modicum of power. I’ll go all conspiracy theory for a second and say
sometimes, I believe that those in power are just a bit sociopathic to do the
things they do and still pretend that everything was done for the good of all.
In my day-to-day life though, I just think, “What am I doing to make my
daughter’s life and future better?” Because honestly that’s what I really care
about. All of my dreams and hopes, aspirations and wants, accomplishments and
endeavors are all secondary to her being safe, happy, with the potential for a
better life. Like I said, some people don’t think that way, but I don’t think
they should be the ones making the decisions that affect my daughter’s life and
So, what are you doing to improve your life and your world?
Anything? Do you care about the greater good? I’m not saying you have to, but
if you care at all about self-improvement, to me, communal improvement should
follow right behind. At the very least, I would suggest educating yourself on
personal improvement, and the effect people have on their surroundings. What
you find might just blow your mind.
Thanks for reading.
Questions and comments are welcome.