- By
Douglas Clark
Lawrence M. Krauss is a physicist
and university professor with a long distinguished career. Holding a Ph.D. in
physics from MIT he currently is the Director of the Origins Project at Arizona
State University. He has authored multiple books and been recognized by his
peers with awards such as the American association for the Advancement of
Science, the Presidential Investigator Award, and the Gravity Research
Foundation award, to name a few. http://krauss.faculty.asu.edu/biography/
A Universe from
Nothing by Lawrence
M. Krauss

Brief Description
Lawrence Krauss takes the reader through
a detailed view of the universe as we understand it today. By providing concise
explanations of how we came to this knowledge and what it means, Krauss beings
to expose the nature of the universe to the layman. With a strong foundation
and clearly reasoned belief in the Scientific Method, Krauss makes his case
that the data we have explaining the universe provides a reasonable and factual
model of how it began, evolved and ultimately will end.
Memorable quotes
“Our universe is
so vast that, as I have emphasized, something that is not impossible is virtual
guaranteed to occur somewhere within it. Rare events happen all the time. “
"Empty space can
have a non-zero energy associated with it, even in the absence of any matter or
“At the heart of
quantum mechanics is a rule that sometimes governs politicians, or CEOs -- as
long as no one is watching, anything goes.”
What makes this
book Unique or special…
Krauss employs an epigraph at the
beginning of each chapter to help focus the reader and put them in a mindset
that will frame the discussion.
The inclusion of graphics, charts, and
photographs help when some of the data needs a visual representation to clear
things up.
Krauss doesn’t dumb down the narrative.
His explanations are straightforward and concise, but sometimes you’ll actually
have to think to completely grasp his meaning.
As a bonus, Richard Dawkins provides an
Afterwords. Admittedly, there’s just a bit of pandering to Krauss on Dawkins
part, however, the point is made that Krauss provides his explanations and
reasonings by way of scientific fact and empirical data, not faith or revealed
knowledge from divinity. Combating theologian derision is something which
Dawkins has a bit of experience combating.
Throughout most of the book, Krauss
keeps the scientific jargon to a minimum and explains the analysis of data in a
reasonably understandable fashion. There are, however, spots where the
conceptual explanations become complicated and demands that the reader fully
pay attention. This happens mostly in the latter chapters, such as when he
explains how empty space actually contains energy and contributes to the
expansion of the universe. Chapters 8 and 9 contain the densest of material so
paying attention is critical.
Final Thoughts
Overall, A Universe from
Nothing is a pretty good read. Krauss stays on topic and supplies
just enough data and history to keep it interesting without bogging down the
narrative. It’s very clear Krauss knows what he’s talking about and wants you
to understand his meaning. He is earnest in his attempts to impart a bit of
scientific knowledge to his readers. If you’re looking for a deeper
understanding of how the universe works, read this book.
Thanks for reading.
Questions and comments are welcome.